Justin Schmit

Quality Control Engineer



¿Cuales son sus principales responsabilidades?
My main responsibility is ensuring that the products we manufacture meet our customers’ needs and expectations. This includes everything from inspecting and testing parts, rejecting nonconforming parts, and working to improve processes.

¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de trabajar en Rome Grinding Solutions?
The best part about working at Rome Grinding Solutions for me has been the people I work with. I’ve gotten to know my coworkers on a personal level. They are friendly and always willing to help out.

¿Cuál ha sido el proyecto o logro más gratificante durante su estancia aquí?
The most rewarding thing for me has been starting the quality department. There have been bumps in the road and challenges, but I have learned a lot in the process.

¿Qué es lo que Rome Grinding Solutions hace mejor para ayudar a sus clientes a tener éxito?
Every department strives to help deliver an excellent product to our customers. Whether it is a grinder that needs to meet tight height and footprint constraints or a custom plates for unique grinding applications.

“Every department strives to help deliver an excellent product to our customers. Whether it is a grinder that needs to meet tight height and footprint constraints or a custom plates for unique grinding applications.”


I have an older sister and two younger brothers.

In my free time I enjoy running outside and reading books. My favorite genres would probably be fantasy and science fiction. I also like to bake, but I think I enjoy eating whatever sweets I made even more.

I don’t have any pets, but someday I would like to get dog, maybe an Alaskan husky.

Merienda favorita que te hará sentir culpable:
An entire container of mint chip ice cream

Si pudieras tener cualquier superpoder, ¿cuál sería y por qué?
I would probably pick teleportation. Instantly traveling anywhere seems like it would useful. Since I have never left the U.S., there are lots of new places I could visit for a couple days without having to book a flight.

¿Qué es algo que a la gente le sorprendería saber sobre usted?
As thin as I am, people are often surprised to see just how much I can eat. I get my high metabolism from my dad and it is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight, on the other it means I am hungry all the time too.

Si pudieras intercambiar lugares con cualquier persona de la empresa por un día, ¿quién sería y por qué?
I would trade places with someone from our sales team on a day that they are visiting customer facilities. During my day I see our grinder parts at all stages from raw material to finished products, but I don’t get to see our products in action very often so I’d enjoy seeing that and talking with the operators.